Mealtime Made Easy
Create a meal with the foods and flavors that you like, or that's already in your kitchen
...assuming you have raw fruits and veggies, of course :-)
Instead of searching through hundreds of recipes, which typically have ingredients that you don't have on hand, use these Meal Formulas! Choose Organic foods whenever possible. The less toxic chemicals you allow into your body, the better.
Super Salads
Raw produce is where it's at! Eat at least one Super Salad a day to keep the doctor away.
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Try your hand at making your own salad dressing, one that will keep you coming back for more!
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Veggie Stews
Warm, smooth, satisfying, filling, and made with exactly the foods you like.
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Stir Fry
Try your hand at your own vegetable stir fry over rice, quinoa, noodles, or wrapped in a tortilla with a Super Salad on the side.
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Just ass easy as a salad, but with that comfort food appeal.
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You will need:
  1. Salad dresssing bottle (brand new or repurposed from a store bought sauce/dressing)
  2. 1 part Acid (vinegar, citris juice, fruit juice, wine, or a mix of 2-3 of these)
  3. 3 Parts Oil (olive oil, flax seed oil, almond oil, coconut oil, or a mix of 2-3 of these)
  4. (optional) 1 part fruit/nut puree. (this will require that your dressing be refrigerated)
  5. (optional) 1 pinch of half cut of dresssing of salt, pepper, and/or dried herbs.
  1. Combine into jar and shake it up
  2. Shake well before each use

For example...

Strawberry Mint Vinaigrette
6 strawberries 6 oz apple cidar vinegar
2 oz flax seed oil
1 t honey
1 t dried chocolate mint
Combine, shake, and serve. Long shelf life.
Almond Vinaigrette
3/4 cup apple cidar vinegar
1/4 cup almond oil
1/4 cup almond butter
1 t honey or mapple syrup
1 t dried oregano
Combine, shake, and serve. Long shelf life.
Oregano Vinaigrette
3 oz apple cidar vinegar
1 oz extra virgin olive oil
1/4 t salt
1 t dried oregano
Combine, shake, and serve. Long shelf life.